The Ten Commandments of, Well, Everything Else

Not to be confused with The Ten Commandments from The Bible that start somewhere within its second book, Exodus. We are currently going through that book in church, however, we haven’t gotten to the carved tablets part yet….

Ten is a good number. Fingers, toes, you name it, having that many is a goal that is easily reached. If nothing else, it teaches you how to count. Sure, there’s infinite numbers out there, however you can’t get there if you don’t start with the first ten.

For commandments we can substitute the word, “Rules.” Now, everyone once in awhile, you’ll hear me say, “The rules are there are no rules,” which in and of itself, is a rule. Oxymoronic, while at the same time being funny, unless you didn’t laugh.

Another goal here is to get your eye to move down the page instead of back and forth across it. The second part may lead you to click other shiny things that are not necessarily good for you, like advertisements, and then you might not come back here. I would prefer that you read to the end, and leave a comment if you’d like.

Maybe give me a “like” too, if that’s an option. It’s been awhile since I’ve written for this site that I wholly own, and I’m not quite sure how they’ve F’ed it up yet. The only constant in this or any other universe seems to be, “change.”

Oh, forgot. When breaking down a script, we have ten steps. You can choose the order of what they are it turns out. I’ve posted that missive elsewhere, and maybe I can link to it here. Who knows? Attempting to do things that last forever in what I refer to as “The Too Much Information” Age is a tricky thing. Good thing I’m a magician.

However, that’s where the hand is quicker than the eye, unless the eye is quicker than the hand…. Something about you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, however, you may not be able to fool all of the people all of the time.

Had a guy call me out yesterday by saying, “You people.” Another friend of mine told me that when you use that phraseology, you’re being racist. There seems to be a whole list of words and phrases you can’t use anymore out there. As a writer I find this sad. Anyways, this guy effectively ended the conversation when he pulled a knife on me.

Apparently he wasn’t fooled. He needed to be that guy on that day.

You don’t need to see one of these necessarily.

You’re not going to be handed two tablets which you have to carve yourself on the top of some mountain near you. However, your rules or commandments may necessarily be similar to those that you already know of, as Biblical principles are all the rage these days.

The way they break down is five for you, and five for us. How to live, and how to act, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. Although, you’re probably not thinking too much about them while driving for instance. There’s a whole different bunch of rules for that discipline that add up to more than ten, so no need to go into all of them here.

I made a personal list once, and then I had a friend that felt he should add to it. That original typed piece of paper has long since been lost in a move, however, there’s truly about 20 points that were somewhat relevant to my life at that time, and some still hold today. Maybe when I remember the first ten I’ll post them somewhere, and link to this article.

Somewhere around ten things you need to know when creating a blog post, if that’s indeed what this is. Mostly what I do is write stories about my personal experiences, and hopefully some of them make sense. I wouldn’t say that I follow any formal rules unique to this whole online experience.

Besides, it turns out there’s actually 613 Commandments in Exodus. It’s just that the first ten get all the press. I blame C.B. De Mille.

Sometimes I Wonder

Why? Why not? Okay, here’s the deal. I’m going to rant to fill some sort of arbitrary word count in order to make my point which is simply this; If you’re going to publish a blog, why aren’t you allowing for commentary?

Is your opinion sacrosanct, and not up for debate? Clearly not, as there’s always an opposing position to take.

Maybe you’re afraid of what others might think. Maybe you don’t want your opinion to be drowned out by the noise du jour. However, if you’re effectively keeping your opinions to yourself, why should I bother to read it?

I allow for commentary on all my blogs, including this one. The fact that I don’t get many simply means I don’t have a lot of readers. Is this my choice? No, of course not. I’d prefer the ten thousand fans I’m supposed to have, allowing for about 100 comments based on I believe the Pareto Principle. See also, the 90/9/1 rule. I could also use these mythical ten thousand fans to support me at a dollar a month for the rest of my life.

Yes, I’ve done the math, that’s $120K a year, until I die. However, the business that hasn’t been created yet, is: What to do with your sites after you die? Someone, and it may be you reading this, can start this business, and make some money off of it. And then, I’d like a large donation, and credit on your site. Point to my ministry site when you do. Thanks!

There’s going to be an influx of those that will have written a virtual metric ton of stuff online that are going to eventually die. They may leave the care and feeding of these sites to friends, relatives, etc. A thousand years from now, one of my descendants may reference this particular article.

Hey, it could happen. Note to self, add this to the same list that contains, “When pigs fly.”

So, to review: People post opinions, and don’t allow comments. I don’t have to read these sites anymore.

Have I made my point yet? More importantly, have I made my word count?

72 and Sunny in Redondo Beach. Adjust your expectations accordingly.

Here We Are…

Quite possibly five and a half years later, and I’m still at this point. Why, you may ask? Or maybe you didn’t. I don’t know. I do care however. Real life as opposed to reel life always gets in the way. I got the VCR hooked up, but then I did a quick calculation on how much extra storage I would need above what I already have, and it’s cost prohibitive for a smaller than small market studio.

I’ve been looking at alternative ways to make money. The crypto market exploded, and it imploded at the same time. People out there aren’t who they say they are, and most of them are on book of the face. If they’re not there, then they’re on the gram that is instant, then they ask you to move your “private” chat to Whatsapp.

The problem with all of this is they’re all owned by that one guy that a movie was made about. Is about a preposition? I don’t like ending sentences with prepositions. Something about formal writing should follow all grammatical rules that you hopefully learned in Elementary School, unless you had to wait until High School English.

Digression is not good when attempting to prove a thesis according to my mother the high school English teacher. She taught drama as well, and was quite good at it, until one year, she didn’t make enough money for the school, and the principal that didn’t like her took drama away from her. She was already tenured at that point, so she was afforded the opportunity to train her replacement, however, they couldn’t fire her. They could only wait for her to retire….

What’s all this have to do with getting videos up online that practically no one will see?

I’m attempting to create my high school experience movie, however, I want to set it present day. How do I do this? It’s literally a lifetime ago for most, if you’re only going to live 45 plus years…. Some would call that middle age, however, I will remind you that I have more days ahead of me than I do behind me. I’ll let you do that math, as it’s been awhile since I’ve stated that there wouldn’t be any.

I’ve talked about how the goal of AI is to create a machine fully capable of independent thought either here or elsewhere, and with the advent of ChatGPT, we’re effectively already there. Which brings me to the WGA strike.

One of the points that the two sides can’t agree on is the use of AI when writing scripts.

Aside: As a writer and producer, I should be on strike against myself. #2: I didn’t cross the picket line when I worked as an actor, because I walked with it to the studio where I was paid well to be well, me.

No writing was involved, as I was given a character description, and a situation, however, this was not a comedy. It was a court show. An argument can be made that there was writing involved in the character creation, however, I don’t know about that side of the court reality shows.

Have I gone off on one too many tangents that aren’t next to the original circle? Quite possibly, however, this will all tie together soon hopefully.

From what little I know about a lot, it is possible to program a chatbot that will hold entire conversations with you. I was approached by one recently, after “talking” to what I thought was a real person. Now, I don’t know who to believe.

I didn’t lose any money this time, however. That only makes it hurt a little less. I was truly hoping that I’d be able to make money, and then move forward with the rest of the studio plans, however, it looks like it was simply yet another scam.

There’s a few things. The devaluing of writing, and the fact that those that write want to be paid properly. The aforementioned AI’s can simply scan the ‘net for what’s already out there, and change it enough to the point where there haven’t been any laws broken.

Conclusion: The last WGA strike lasted exactly 100 days. Bet the over. Meanwhile, I will be doing unpaid writing and slogging around the ‘net attempting to find real people….

72 and sunny in Redondo Beach. e You next time.

The Epoch Times: The World Bank and the Funding of Genocide

Been reading this rag for awhile now. I’m liking what I’m seeing.

Finance topics, trends, & specific term sheets

Date: Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 5:16 PM

The Epoch Times

SinCityFinancier – just read this, and thought you’d be interested:

The World Bank and the Funding of Genocide

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Who coined the phrase “Pigs Get Fat. Hogs get Slaughtered.”​?

I believe the phrase predates his cite, but I do agree with everything else here. Merry Christmas everyone!!!

I know, it’s Boxing Day. The day wherein you put all your boxes inside each other, and then cart them out to the recycle bin. The more industrious among you might actually break them down so they become flat, to allow for more space in said recycle bin.

We have a dumpster that is white here in the 30 unit apartment building that is disguising a movie studio. It’s overflowing with yesterday’s detritus.

Yes, I’m riffing right now, so, go forth, and sin no more, or you can go fifth 😉

72 and sunny in Redondo Beach.

Adjust your expectations accordingly.™

R & S Delivered LLC

This is an impromptu post. I didn’t intend to write it when I got up this morning. I’m writing it after an interaction I had with a customer this morning. That customer had an easy refrigerated load picking up in MN and going to WI. Load picks up on January 2nd, a long time from now, and delivers the next day. It’s less than 300 miles. One of that customers “valued carrier partners” quoted $1,950.00 to haul that load. The market rate on the load was about $850.00. I quoted $850.00 and was awarded the load. The customer emailed me asking if my rate was correct. I said yes. I also said, “And can I say something? Whoever your carrier “partner” is that put $1950 on that lane should be eliminated from your list of “partners”. That’s a rate that only a pig would suggest. Seriously.” Now at the risk of offending someone…

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All the good titles were taken

For a completely separate project, I did a search on, “All the good titles are taken,” and came up with this….

Impressively, she expresses much of the same sentiments that may go into a potential movie idea that probably will never get written, now that I’ve read this.

Go figure.

72 and sunny in Redondo Beach. Adjust your expectations accordingly™

A Muse Amused

Do you ever have those moments when so much rage—that pure, unfiltered, unadulterated, organic, non-GMO and paraben-free, ID-required-for-purchase brand of madness—screams through your veins so piercingly that you can’t speak?

As if your body must dedicate all of its functions to refrain from implosion and/or explosion: there’s no way to know which way you’ll erupt.

Once upon a time, you shimmered. Lately, you simmer more than glimmer.

And yeah, maybe rhyming proves my writing has become dimmer.

This comes as no surprise. In Los Angeles, too many years passed undocumented due to blank page anxiety and complacency. I felt more excited about the prospect of what could be instead of what I could actually create. The unknown, the unwritten is infinitely more exciting than whatever potential disappointment I risk by actually filling blank lines with some sort of something.

This self-defeating process seems a bit like LA dating. We hoist…

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Dear US Government and BLM please FUCK OFF!

More ridiculousness ensues. This original post is from 2014. Understand this before you blame the current administration for ANYTHING that is going on that affects real people.

I’ve got work to do, so I’ll be doing that now. I may not see a response for up to five days….


First let me state both TJ and I firmly believe man is affecting the climate and the earth. Michelle believes man pollutes the earth but doesn’t affect the climate. We all three agree we need to do more to protect this rock we call home. That now said here is the story.

Which actually has nothing to do with my stand on Global Climate change as much as my stand against our government gone haywire. A stand for native American nations and their right to self rule as outlined in contracts and peace treaties. it seems we want to break our word as a nation yet again with the Native peoples of this land.

Yesterday I saw a news story that demonstrates the kind of corruption that global warming propaganda can produce. CNS News reported, Here is that report.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) plans to spend up…

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Always good to come back to this site every once in awhile, and get inspired.



A yearning
as sirens of
autumn’s breath
whisper words
of anticipation.
A rhythmic contralto
an echo to the soul
a welcomed unrest
as the valley chants 
its familiar tune.

is she as gleams
of heaven incensed
unveil a sight divine.
A prelude
as skies yield to
nature’s command–
a foretaste of the
promised cleansing
of her deliverance.

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When the urge strikes

This is yet another great story from an incredible couple of women that I know.


When the urge strikes you,

The year 2001, the place high school, 6th period, AP history class, Junior year. The subject the holocaust.

While watching a non-closed caption holocaust video I knew Michelle was bored out of her mind. Being deaf she needed closed caption considering most of the film was narrated. But this film had no closed caption or subtitles. So we were signing in the darkened class and goofing off.

All the while smirking and looking around, trying not to be so bored. You’ve probably sat through a class like that or two? We were trying to be quiet. Honest we were. And we succeeded for a while.

As class wore on one of the senior boys was passing by the door. Of course I had to tell Michelle who was watching him with great interest. We knew him, a jock and one of the “cool” kids…

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